Increase the potency of folk medicine

Products, which is the potency:

  • red meat;
  • Seafood;
  • Nuts;
  • Vegetables, especially beets;
  • Dairy products etc.

We start with the simplest – with a Cup of coffee. You will be surprised, but this drink improves perfectly the male Libido. Of course, if you don't abuse it.


A day of food in 2-3 cloves of garlic.

They eat the berries of the black elder daily, it also has a positive effect on potency.

Only a few know that the potency can increase, through consumption of radish, Japanese radish. By the way, this vegetable is neutral in its composition, and even if a man can have problems in the work of the gastro-intestinal tract, radish in the diet without fear.

You need to peel the daikon and grate it on a fine grater. Take 2 daikon, 2 carrots, 2 medium-sized apples. All of the RUB on a grater. Add the juice from half a lemon, and lemon zest. Now all the need to mix, add honey to taste and move in a glass bowl. You have to take into account funds received 1 tablespoon three times per day.

A positive effect on the male body have fruit and vegetables. The best ways to increase Libido can of onions, green and tomato. Tomatoes, baked in the oven, refined with parsley will help you improve the effectiveness and increase the General tone of the body.

You can not forget about the spicy herbs. For Example, Garlic. It contains a large amount of vitamins. A number of these elements of the circulatory System of harmful substances and toxic cleaning substances, improves the composition of the blood. After cleaning the blood blood vessels to to better to circulate of him, which helps the strengthening of potency.

Such a simple spice, like cinnamon, helps to the potency increase.

Still useful for the enhancement of the potency eat raw celery, and baked potatoes, is also very good, promotes male potency.

Also effective is the inclusion in their diet of meat and raw carrots, which they do not interfere with Butter.

Herbal teas and teas in combination with honey are also very useful for increasing the potency.

In order to increase the effectiveness, it is recommended that fish, vegetables, seafood, tomatoes, nuts and olive oil.

A good way Basil is. You can add this spicy grass in a meat-or fish dishes and salads.

Try to eat balanced. They Eat Meat, Fish, Eggs, Vegetables, Fruit. Pay attention to radish, nuts, ginger, sour cream, dried fruits, and don't forget the added to food spices.

You need to rethink your diet, the diet must be correct, well-balanced, particularly important is the use of Protein foods, because the human being needs energy and energy. Add in your diet sunflower seeds, nuts.

They contain essential Vitamin E, which contributes to the well-being and support you in the Form. Indians for increasing sexual desire with a mixture of nuts with honey.

Such a mixture consists of different proportions, and you eat two teaspoon after meals for a period of thirty days.

Also, well helps to increase the potency in men garlic. You can prepare it yourself at home is easy.

Herbal teas and teas

Chop garlic, cover with water and set the drag to a dark place, you need to stir each day of the mixture. After about 30 days the Infusion is ready.

Take this mixture on a teaspoon, squeezed milk (in a glass). Such an Infusion effect is not long to wait, and to increase the potency.

Eliminate from your diet food, the reduction of potency: alcoholic, energetic, sugary sodas, strong coffee. Limit intake of bakery products and potatoes. Eat more vegetables and fruit.

Eat fruits and more fish and the sea.

For potency very useful Greens. Therefore, and recipes to improve the quality of sexual life on the basis of a lot of green and very much. So you have parsley and cilantro, all of them can chop, mix and just add in the meals a day 1 teaspoon. You can recording this dose on a few.

Take equal proportions of coriander and parsley. You, chop, mix, and add 1 tablespoon of food every day. Quick and easy!

Maybe we should add in the diet, a good Multivitamin complex, which also helps improve potency.

How to increase male potency nuts?

It is known that a lot of Folk remedies to combat impotence include the nuts. It is not surprising, since in them very many useful trace-elements and fats.

Restoring hormone levels back and allow the right amount of nutrients. Nuts are, but because you can and must be used in order to increase the potency.

How to prepare a remedy on the Basis of nuts? To do this, mix the powder of nuts with honey in equal proportions. Also pine nuts, which you RUB in a mortar and mix with water.

The cedar nuts a lot of Vitamin E, and it represents the hormonal background that contributes to the normalization of the levels of the male hormone testosterone and improves the potency.

Take advantage of the healing power of nuts, which is very beneficial for the potency. Especially good for walnuts.

You eat nuts daily 8-16, with their goat's milk. It is another recipe that the walnuts come in equal parts with honey (nuts before chopping, of course).

It is a means for potency, take 2 teaspoons 2-3 times daily 30 minutes before meals. This mixture can also drink milk.

Treatment on prescription for the potency of lead within 20-30 days.

Here is a Folk remedy for the improvement of potency in the Form of a recipes is an effective and proven at the Moment.

Propolis and honey

Bee products were for a long time to be effective for increasing the potency. and medicine to improve the erections were in the people. In ancient times, men are constantly in the food of walnuts, mixed with honey.

Daily 3-4 times, mix 30 drops with warm milk (150 gr.) and drink half an hour before meals.

Wax-Marc, the not throwing to the pressing, in any case, it is necessary to. To it rectal candles can make. They are effective for the restoration of the Libido.


Food that heals sexual dysfunction

Doctors recommend changing the diet to show of experts, hidden pathologies, in which a Standard diet can damage the already poor health.

Especially useful for men with erectile dysfunction Protein products, a small amount of fat. These include:

  • lean meats — rabbit, chicken, beef, lean lamb;
  • Caviar Fish;
  • Legumes, cereals and grass (green), belong to this family;
  • Nuts and seeds;
  • Eggs, preferably quail;
  • low-fat and unsalted cheese;
  • Fish (preferably sea).

In addition to the Protein products, herbs, vegetables (squash, including zucchini, cucumbers, and actually the pumpkin along with the seeds), rice, cereals, and grains.

The improvement of the process of the synthesis of male sex hormones help spices, in moderate quantities added to foods. Increase you help your testosterone levels, cloves, ginger root, and Chili-pepper, cinnamon and other herbs with a sharp taste, except saffron. You can also countries to diversify the menu of traditional milk products Asian.

Phytotherapy eliminate it as a possibility of erectile dysfunction

This method of strengthening the male sexual function is the oldest method of the above-mentioned, which is not less than a couple of hundred years. For the implementation of need herbs, you prepare easily for use at home. In addition, you may be in need of bee products. In short, the recipes of traditional medicine offers a variety of.


So, in the case of the inflammatory nature of impotence, should be focused on normalization of blood circulation and tissue repair. In this case, can help with herbal anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and regenerating effect, decoctions of which will take you throughout the day in small doses. Also an indispensable means, a candle with honey or Propolis.

Folk remedies for the improvement of potency in men

We all know that the potency is the ability of man to produce, that is, a real male function. Sex life (regular) has a positive effect on all body functions, you will get a good mood, vitality and also self-confidence.

This is very important, to with potency in men everything was in order, and if you are lowered, you should apply measures to improve it. But, unfortunately, the statistics show that the Problem of poor erections is faced by every third man.

Defective sexual life due to problems with the potency of the emotional Trauma for men. Because of the potency, only the possibility of sexual intercourse, but also the orientation and the strength of the Libido, the duration of sexual intercourse does not depend on that due to the quality and duration of erections.

These indicators can have a strong, medium or weak character.

Many have tried to conceal this thorny issue. By the way, completely in vain, since we already talked about the fact that modern medicine really works wonders, and the doctors are able to help men in the recovery of the potency.

Therefore, we recommend that you first consult a specialist. Folk remedies for potency in this case, it is not forbidden to use, but you should only as a Supplement to the basic treatment, and not as a separate path of liberation from all problems.

It is very important that the doctor know what are the traditional remedies that you want to use. Some of the infusions, herbs, and of contraindications, this time you can discuss with a specialist.

How to get to the recipes for potentiality increase?

Folk remedies is "heavy artillery" in the fight for the improvement of the potency. Many of the herbs and products are powerful stimulants of male sexual function. The use of these home remedies affects the intimate health, representatives of the male sex:

  1. Hop cones. Take you pin a large tablespoon of dried hops, and mix them with a full glass of water. You are in the course of forty minutes. After the strain and divide the Infusion into two halves. Eat before Breakfast and after dinner.
  2. Ginger with honey and walnut. Chop the walnuts. Connect them with a dry ginger and natural honey in equal quantities. You eat received before Breakfast, lunch and dinner from a large spoon.
  3. Nettle
  4. The root of the Ginseng decoction. Pour into the container of a glass of carrot juice and add fifty grams of chopped ginseng root. Bring the mixture to a boil. Drink you get in the course of the day.

Garlic to increase the potency

  • Cooked Turnip Greens. You take a small turnip, cut it into cubes and cook in milk with a high fat content. It is preferably before going to bed.
  • Nettle Broth. One hundred grams of nettle leaves pour into a pan with half a Liter of water. Cook for eight minutes. Divide the broth into two parts and drink at lunch and in the evening.
  • Calamus root. The Tool is worth the use in the Form of gummy bears. Calamus root chew before Breakfast, lunch and dinner in a few minutes.
  • Quickly improving the potency helps to the juice of carrots

    List of the most effective recipes

    The national medicine, as well as the official one, involves the use of means, the effect of which aims at the elimination of the traumatic factors, the restoration of the functions of the organs and systems. Also important in the question of the reinforcement of the erectile function, the prevention of the negative impact of various factors on the organism.

    After years of negotiated principles, the acceptable methods for muscle building worked:

    • The normalization of the supply, with the obligatory inclusion of products, the stimulant potency.
    • The increase in physical activity in the context of what is reasonable.
    • The gain of immunity through the consumption of vitamins, minerals, and use of other tools of its Stimulation at home.
    • The recovery of the metabolism and enhancing the synthesis of hormones people's medicine (including the use of herbs, honey, etc.).

    All of these methods have a single goal — the complete restoration of the functions of all systems of an organism and of the male sex organs in particular.

    For the restoration of sexual function, there are several simple methods:

    Ginger with honey
    • Hops. A teaspoon of hop cones pour a glass of warm boiled water and cook on low heat for 10 minutes. Broth drain, let cool, and take half a Cup 2-3 times per day;
    • Honey and nuts – a delicious way to increase male potency. For the preparation of the mixture, you need to mix the walnuts with the liquid honey and take two teaspoons half an hour before meals. It is a very useful recipe, not only for potency, but also for the work of the cardiovascular System;
    • Garlic – a simple method for strengthening the male power. For the preparation of a kg of garlic finely cut, and throw in a three-Liter jar, pour the brim of boiling water and infuse for 30 days. Then take a teaspoon per day at any time of the day;
    • Carrots. Carrot juice is wonderful, the potency increases. To do this, it is recommended that freshly squeezed juice 3 times a day 100 Milliliter;
    • Ginger. The most effective recipe – a mixture of dry ginger with honey. The ingredients are mixed in equal amounts and each other. The resulting Tool is characterized by a tonic effect, and take a teaspoon 3 times per day.

    High quality and regular sex with a woman are not only part of the quality of life of men, but also the way of the optimization of the blood circulation, which positively affects all other systems and organs.